poniedziałek, 11 czerwca 2012

Matt's Trivia

House of the Rising Sun

Now, the last part of "Trivia" cycle. As you already guess, this time I'm writing about Matthew ;)
  • Bellamy shared a flat in London with Tom Kirk and Howard up until as recently as 2002.
  •  Bellamy is able to tickle himself. xD
  •  Bellamy is able to say the alphabet backwards- zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba. He has been made to repeat this party trick on several occasions (most recently in an interview with Zane Lowe following the release of BHAR in 2006).
  •  Bellamy wishes that the gravity on Earth were weaker so that spiders would die. (yeah, good idea, me too xP)
  • He is 5' 7" (1.73 m).
  •  Bellamy told one interviewer that he lost his virginity at Reading Festival when he was about 15 or 16.
  •  Matt would like to play a gig in the middle of Pleiades (the constellation, also known as the "seven sisters"), the star system which - according to one of his favourite conspiracy theories - aligns with the Egyptian and Cydonian pyramid systems.
  •  Bellamy hates Marmite with a passion. Unlike Chris and Dom, who love it.
  •  Matt used to live in Moltrasio, Italy. He now lives in north London. 
  •  He loves pasta (me too! ;D)
  • Matt has a dog (I don't know what is the name of his favorite).
  • Around the time of 2002, Matt owned a black Lotus Elite sports car. This was the first car he bought from his own money. Previous to this he'd steal his Mums. 
  • According to Matts Fiancée, Kate Hudson, Matt drinks PG tips tea. 
  • Matt has a Wine collection.
  • In the Showbiz Tour Matt brought a Go-Ped. (you should seem that on YouTube). 
  •  Matt once 'stole' a double bass from a school he attended to get lessons.

I didn't describe on my post all trivia from musewiki and I so sorry, but I've got 5 reasons why I didn't do that:
  • There're the last days of school and I want to get good marks ;)
  • You certainly know part of them - if not, you aren't true Muser.
  • Part of them is too trivial to write about them.
  • There are so many trivia in net and I can't describe all even on 20 posts.
  • Always you can visit musewiki yourself ;)
Well, I'm concluding for today, but I promise I'll come back soon. I can't wait for next post! I've got some ideas and I still can't decide what should I post at first!


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