poniedziałek, 11 czerwca 2012

Matt's Trivia

House of the Rising Sun

Now, the last part of "Trivia" cycle. As you already guess, this time I'm writing about Matthew ;)
  • Bellamy shared a flat in London with Tom Kirk and Howard up until as recently as 2002.
  •  Bellamy is able to tickle himself. xD
  •  Bellamy is able to say the alphabet backwards- zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba. He has been made to repeat this party trick on several occasions (most recently in an interview with Zane Lowe following the release of BHAR in 2006).
  •  Bellamy wishes that the gravity on Earth were weaker so that spiders would die. (yeah, good idea, me too xP)
  • He is 5' 7" (1.73 m).
  •  Bellamy told one interviewer that he lost his virginity at Reading Festival when he was about 15 or 16.
  •  Matt would like to play a gig in the middle of Pleiades (the constellation, also known as the "seven sisters"), the star system which - according to one of his favourite conspiracy theories - aligns with the Egyptian and Cydonian pyramid systems.
  •  Bellamy hates Marmite with a passion. Unlike Chris and Dom, who love it.
  •  Matt used to live in Moltrasio, Italy. He now lives in north London. 
  •  He loves pasta (me too! ;D)
  • Matt has a dog (I don't know what is the name of his favorite).
  • Around the time of 2002, Matt owned a black Lotus Elite sports car. This was the first car he bought from his own money. Previous to this he'd steal his Mums. 
  • According to Matts Fiancée, Kate Hudson, Matt drinks PG tips tea. 
  • Matt has a Wine collection.
  • In the Showbiz Tour Matt brought a Go-Ped. (you should seem that on YouTube). 
  •  Matt once 'stole' a double bass from a school he attended to get lessons.

I didn't describe on my post all trivia from musewiki and I so sorry, but I've got 5 reasons why I didn't do that:
  • There're the last days of school and I want to get good marks ;)
  • You certainly know part of them - if not, you aren't true Muser.
  • Part of them is too trivial to write about them.
  • There are so many trivia in net and I can't describe all even on 20 posts.
  • Always you can visit musewiki yourself ;)
Well, I'm concluding for today, but I promise I'll come back soon. I can't wait for next post! I've got some ideas and I still can't decide what should I post at first!




Recently, I found one's way to so fucking website: http://lol-sotrue.tumblr.com/. That's something like memes. You throw on it gifs, that shows our responses to different living situations. How beautiful said creator of that website: "Welcome to the place where every post will have you saying: "LOL, SO TRUE!" You should follow this blog. It sorta describes your life." Exemplary cool post: http://lol-sotrue.tumblr.com/post/20722599023. Isn't it true?

Chris's Trivia

Thoughts of a Dying Atheist

Today trivias from musewiki too, about Chris.
  • Wolstenholme injured his arm during a football match with Didz Hammond of The Cooper Temple Clause. 
  •  Wolstenholme supports The Millers (Rotherham United FC). 
  •  Chris is a fan of video games and the Nintendo 64. His favorite game is "The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time". 
  •  Apart from Black Holes & Revelations, Wolstenholme has spawned a baby with wife Kelly around the time each album is out. (Baby No.5 was the cause of Muse having to cancel shows in Kansas City and St. Louis.) 
  •  Wolstenholme's children are named Alfie, Ava Jo, Frankie, Ernie, Buster and Teddi.
  •  Chris smokes but gave it up when the smoking ban came into force. In 2009 he took it up again & has been seen smoking a pipe. In mid February 2011 he announced on twitter that was no longer smoking. He smoked a Gamucchi Electric cigarette but announced that he was back to smoking regular cigarettes in May 2011. However, he recently said that he hasn't smoked since then.
  •  Chris is often seen headbanging during music videos and live performances. In 2006 he explained in an interview how he damaged his neck & hired a sports therapist to work out the knots from years of physical abuse. Wolstenholme rarely headbanged during the Black Holes tour, but has started headbanging again.
  •  Chris owns a massive collection of around 70 guitars. Including his touring "stuff."
  •  Chris plays as a centre forward when playing football. 
  •  Chris trainers are size 11. 
  •  He once lost his wedding ring at a gig in Japan, but got it back when a fan returned it (for which they received a lifetime supply of Muse gigs) - a lucky beggar!
And that's all for now.

sobota, 9 czerwca 2012

Happy Birthday Matt!!!

City of Delusion

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!       ;** ;**

From today Matt's 34 years old! Old man! xD Our Matt is getting old! ;( I cry! I cry, really! Oh, no, I just think... No, Matt will never be old. ;)

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Matthew,
Happy birthday to you!


czwartek, 17 maja 2012

Dom's Trivia

Sing for today: Dead Star

Today I decided to add some trivia about Dominic. Here they are:
  • In 2004, his father, William Howard, came to watch Muse's performance at Glastonbury 2004; a concert which Matthew Bellamy described as "the best gig of our lives". Just after their performance finished, William died from a heart attack. Through support from his family and fellow band members Dominic recovered, and Muse managed to continue their tour. 
  •  According to Howard, the song which he would like played at his funeral is 'Don't Stop me Now' by Queen, mainly due to him being a big fan of Queen. 
  •  At the band's 14th November 2006 arena show at the Birmingham NEC, Howard told a fan that he disliked playing Knights of Cydonia at the end of the set because it leaves him "knackered". However he did state that the riff at the end is chilling. 
  •  He would like to have a drink with Jimi Hendrix - "He was just such a cool guy; the way he played, how he seemed to be in his personal life or whenever he was being interviewed, he just seemed like a really cool cat", and the first thing he wanted to say to Hendrix is - "Good riff, man!"
  •  In the 2nd disc of the Hullabaloo DVD, he can be seen in a Slipknot mask making Bellamy laugh uncontrollably by repeatedly yelling, in a mock Slipknot 'vocal' fashion, "Sit the fuck down!". Contrary to popular belief, Howard did not steal the mask, but was given it by a female fan when Muse played with Slipknot at Metalfest in Spain some years ago. He says that he still has the mask and thinks it is probably in a box hidden underneath his bed somewhere. He chuckles: "I'll dig it out one of these days and put it on again." 
And here is that scene (I always crywith laughter when I watch that; ... Matt's "I just can't..." - it kills me):

  •  He downloads music through the internet, presumably using peer to peer software.
  •  Bellamy once filmed Howard having sex with someone. Bellamy managed to catch the money shot during climax, and joked that he should upload it some day. 
  •  Bellamy said in an interview that he and Christopher Wolstenholme were messy people but that Dom was a very clean person. Bellamy also applauded Howard's cooking skills, as well as his driving and snowboarding skills. "Great snowboarder. I wish I could snowboard. I can't snowboard at all. I'm trying to learn but I keep falling over." 
  •  He was the last member of the band to create a twitter account. The reason for finally signing up probably has something to do with his tweet: "Hello. Tom [Kirk] decided to sign me up to Twitsville.." 
  •  He passed his driving test the first time, though he thought he'd failed because he "nearly ran over someone on a bike".
  • His favourite type of cheese is Brie.
  •  Wolstenholme posted on the Muse Official forum in 2001, saying that Howard is indeed, going bald - "Doms going bald".
  •  Dom hasn't got a voice to singing but he so want to sing. Recalling Re:Covered where Muse performed Can't Take My Eyes Off You, Matthew Bellamy explained how Howard wanted to do this song because he could sing the "Ba Da" bits. After doing so, Howard didn't sing live again until Supermassive Black Hole became part of the band's set.- I pity him a little, he so want but he can't. Don't worry, Dom. All this makes up for your playing the drums ;)


środa, 25 kwietnia 2012


Damn, I don't know where to start...
Well, 2 weeks ago I found that a few people from my class think I listen to pop! OK, maybe I don't flaunt of what I listen but POP?! I couldn't believe that. Of course I fast explained everything. Few people know which bands I like but most of my friends know that I listen to rock. No, I don't hate devotees other music genres but I appreciate people who know what is the best xD Unfortunately I don't know personally any Muser. I've got 2 best friends. Let's agree that I'll call them Jane and Nicole. Jane has got 1 Muse's CD but she quickly bored with it. She like only 4 songs: Uprising, Supermassive Black Hole, Assassin and Knights of Cydonia. Nicole thinks that guys are madmen and she doesn't like any their song. Every time when I say about them (I do that very often) she falls over the eyes and she says that they're crass. Then I always shoot one's mouth off her, because in my presence nobody can insult boys. I don't know why I say that but I feel that I have to. No one in my school know Muse (some people know only SBH) but I think it only shows that Musers are elite group, only for selected. We - Musers - are unique, one of a kind. I know, we are much, but if you copare us with I don't know Lady Gaga? Rihanna? Selana Gomez? funs... we are much less. It shows our uniqueness, it shows how ambitious is music which we listen to. And that, how many times Muse overcame today "stars" at the rankings, at the galas..., is a next proof: in us, Musers, is the strenght! Am I not right?


The Beginnings

So, I start writing blog that will be completely devoted my beloved band - Muse. Of course, I think I will write various miscellaneous, but mainly that will be something about Muse. You can ask: why Muse? And I will answer: couse they are the most disarming guys I've ever known, couse they have distance themselves, couse they make the most beutiful music in the world. I won't write on this blog their biography, I won't write how it started or who they are (at least I don't plan that, but sometimes I can't resist say about something), because I think that if you're here, you must already know something.
I'm not polish but I want to write this blog. I write the same blog in polish and english., so if you're polish you can read this on: muserowo.blogspot.com or if you're not polish but you're english or you can speak english, you can read this here: muserowoo.blogspot.com
Briefly about me:
I'm a girl addicted to listening Muse and my biggest dream is going for their gig. My addiction has been going on for 2 years and I feel that it strengthens every day xD In addition to my favorites I listen to classic rock, alternative rock and classical music. Warning: you must be careful, because not everything what I say is as simple as it seems. You ask me what I listen to when it comes to classical music and I answer: Chopin and Rachmaniow. Anything that is not saying? Let me explain: they inspire Matt! A lot of my innocent words and statements is lined contexts associated with Muse. Sorry, I love my obsession.
Oh, I'd forget: you must become accustomed that when I say "guys" or "boys" I think about Matt, Dom and Chris.